May 15, 2016

What is more important?

You may have noticed I haven't been posting nearly as much lately, and its going to stay that way. Right now I think its better if focus on my personal journaling. I'll still post every once in a while if I have something important to say but not very often. It's just a matter of priority.

-Anna Lynn

May 8, 2016

Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers Day!! I LOVE YOU MOMMY! You are my guardian angel and one of my closest friends! THANK YOU!! 

-Anna Lynn

May 5, 2016

Much Ado Opening Night!

Tonight was our first preformance of Much Ado About Nothing and we rocked it!! I was soooo nervous before we began (and still a bit shaky now) but everyone did an excellent job! The audience really seemed to enjoy it and that is what truly matters because this show is for them not us :) 

May 2, 2016

Gravity Falls

Finally forced my sister to watch Gravity Falls and this is the text she sends me later that night... 

There is no fighting Gravity!! (was that to punny?)