Jan 12, 2016

Something Crazy

Have you ever wanted to do something crazy? Wether it be to sing and dance in public or to climb mt. everest we always seem to push those crazy dreams aside.

Why? The little voices in our heads are always whispering to us: "It would be embarrassing, people would judge us!" or "It takes to much planing/time/money/effort!"Yet we hear stories about the people who did make the sacrifices necessary and had an amazing life changing experience.

Why are we so afraid to follow are dreams and try something crazy? Are we really that afraid of failure? We are meant to try and fail, Its how you learn.

I don't know about you but I have multiple crazy ideas a day (This blog is one of them). Sometimes they don't last, and most of the time they never actually happen. But if I didn't act on some of them I'd burst!

Coming home from the ballet one night I got thinking about why there are no modern ballets. Then I thought, why not set a ballet to a movie soundtrack and do a movie/ballet? So I picked How to Train Your Dragon (because that soundtrack is amazing!). I got home, and was so excited. I listened to the soundtrack a million times while I started drawing what the costumes would look like, and thinking about how I would adapt the storyline... then I realized I know nothing about ballet.

I was still glad I wrote down and started to act on my passionate urge to make a ballet because one day, who knows I might pick it up again.

Sometimes, those few and far in between times, when we listen to that stirring voice of adventure and know its the right time to go forward with our crazy ideas magical things can happen. There is no limit to what can happen! They may seem small to others but to you they can be a memorable life shaping experience.

So next time a crazy urge hits you (as long as its legal) go for it! Forget that it might be improbable or impractical, it might even be impossible. It doesn't matter! Because no one ever got anything done by doubting themselves. Embrace your crazy ideas and don't just be a dreamer, be a doer.

Leave a comment about one of your crazy ideas! 

-Anna Lynn

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